Meet Our Team

Get the inside scoop on who's behind the OOG brand

Elshadei F. aka Worthy
(Operations Manager)

Worthy handles the operations and logistics of OOG. Whether it's stepping in to design for a client, or pitch a partnership or collab, he is there every step of the way.

Team of Tailors

We've partnered with tailors both local and global to provide our clientele with one of the most grassroot production method available. We not only have access to the production and manufacturing, but have the textile resources to keep things new and fresh.

This ensures quality touch points at every stage of the design and build process.


We wouldn't be a company if not for our team of ambassadors. They not only help us spread the word but are integral parts of our growth and strategies.

If you want to be an ambassador, contact us to find out more!

Contact us if you have any questions